Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hurricane Ike Aftermath

Sorry this post is late, but I thought I would show some pictures of our experience.

Once the weather experts decided that Ike was definitely going to hit the Houston/Galveston area, things got crazy! They let us go at work, and we had half of the day Thursday and all of Friday off, which is pretty insane for a hospital! Since I had obviously been at work all week, I was pretty olivious to all the preparations going on in Katy. That Thursday afternoon I decided to go to HEB and pick upsome laundry detergent so I could catch upover the long weekend. Once I got to the store I realized that was a bad idea. First of all there were literally no shopping carts - they were all taken. And when I asked a guy there where the bread was, he laughed at me and said - "Lady, we haven't had bread for days". Oh. It was jammed packed with people buying food like they wouldn't be able to leave the house for weeks. This was the first time I actually started to get nervous, because everyonewas freaking out, and Ryan and I really hadn't done any preparations at all! The news didn't help that either. They were all doom and gloom, and telling us that the people left in Galveston were going to die. eeeek.

Once Ike finally hit Katy, we got some really strong scary winds, but it was all over by the time we woke up. We ended up losing power for about 12 hours which wasnt fun, but fortunately by the time we got really hot, my parents had power back, so Ryan and I went over there and watched the Office!

It continued to be a little stressful for a few days afterwards due to the power outages, extreme gas shortages, and all the grocery stores and restaurants being either closed or jammed packed with hot hungry people looking for a break from their peanut butter sandwiches (and no tv or internet!). I went back to work the next Wednesday and Ryan didn't go back until last Monday, so we enjoyed a nice break. We joke that it was actually like a second honeymoon, because we literally haven't spent that many consecutive hours together since Christmas!

Everything is now finally back to normal, just like we like it! We are blessed to not have any property damage or major complications. Here are a couple pictures from our little adventure!

This was a couple hours before Ike hit land, and as you can tell from my hair, the wind was blowing extremely hard!

Some of the damage from around the apartment

Lots and lots of trees down

The press box that completely collapsed at Ryan's track!

I'm still planning on on going private, so please comment with your email address, or send me an email so I can continue to rivet you with our lives! Perfect - I finished just in time for O'Reily Factor and bed! : ) Have a great night!

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