Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Olympic gold medal gymnast Shawn Johnson is going to be a contestant on this season's Dancing With the Stars! I only catch this show occasionally, but I think she will be so fun to watch! It's nice to see her in the news for something like this and not something like this.

Speaking of Phelps, I heard last week that Ashton Kutcher came out in public support of him saying, "God forbid he hit a bong...Go ask your 20 year old kid what he did last weekend". Everybody makes mistakes and I can only imagine how hard it is to make those mistakes so publicly, but come on Ashton! That statement just shows how out of touch you are with the real people in middle America...


Aliya said...

i heart her! she was my fave gymnast!

Kelli said...

I don't really catch Dancing With the Stars that often either, but I'm glad she is going to be on there. She was my favorite and is soooo cute! I bet the people on radio or news or whatever that talks about the show will probably say that she has an unfair advantage just like they do when that N'SYNC guy was on there. Oh well though, I am still excited for her. I'll have to try and watch :)